Tuesday, May 12, 2015

We had guests!

little guests that is! my sweet niece and nephew were visiting over the weekend and I planned as much fun as possible during their short visit. We start the lunch with a double cheese pizza from our local pizzeria. Apparently the only pizza that kids now day eat is plain cheese (I learned my lesson the hard way). No picture but it was really good. Then we moved to dessert. They love ice cream and their taste changes every second time. It is really hard to keep up with them. And their major complain at our house is that the ice cream is not what they expected. So this time around, I called my sister in law in advance and asked her what the flavor of the day is---> chocolate and rainbow. Of course I could not find the rainbow for the life of me and the closest ice cream to rainbow was Neapolitan. In addition, I bought some smarties and gummy bears for the toppings which were a big hit :) I think I am more than ready to be a mom (I am a fur mom already) :) My niece keept adding the toppings to her ice cream until I told her that she would take the leftovers home and after that she stopped.

My nephew liked the ice cream and the toppings but he could not get enough of the potato chips (Kirkland Kettle Krinkle Cut Chips - Sea Salt). He was moving around with a bowl of potato chips in hand. We also played some games with Miss M supervision of course.

My nephew is so much into the "guess who the famous person" he is describing is. He even did not know more than half of the people he was describing (his dad was whispering into his ear) but still enjoyed it a lot. I think I won the best auntie of the year award.  

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